Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Lots of stuff

I spent two and a half hours of work outside today! I spent about two hours working on weeding the potato patch. The weeds there are more mature, and much more difficult to pull out. The rest of the garden was a breeze and went so quickly, that I thought I would be able to do the potato patch in one day… but I was so wrong! It’s going to take at least a week of weeding or more, or two people…, to get it done. I really want to pull all the weeds out before they grow any more or go to seed. Hopefully I’ll be able to make more progress this weekend. I ended up “uncovering” about 10 potato plants. We are going to have a lot of potatoes in our cold storage this winter!

We have a cat and six kittens... well, five now. We gave one kitten away yesterday. We plan on keeping most of the boy cats and giving away the girl cats. The kittens are almost eight weeks old. I carried in the cat food and filled up their food storage container this morning. Momma cat, Mouse, is looking so skinny these days. I think she’s feeding all the animals she catches to the kittens. But they aren’t eating them either. I have discovered at least three dead birds in the garage this week. I’ll be moving the kittens out to the barn tonight. Hopefully Mouse will start eating more again and regain her healthy weight!

I filled up the chicken feed container with scratch grains I purchased yesterday. They love eating the weeds, and I carried three (heavy) buckets of weeds out to their yard while I was working on the garden this morning, so they are happy today.

Finally, I planted eight more rows of corn. Farm Girl #2 helped put the seeds in the holes. She had a blast!

It’s a good thing Farm Baby takes looong morning naps, or I don’t know how I would possibly accomplish anything outside! She’s ready to be on the move, and has to be supervised very closely at all times. Maybe I’ll invest in a play pen this weekend so she can come out with us and I don’t have to worry about where she might decide to crawl  away to.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's so cool that you guys are putting your land to use!
